In a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the star of the show, it’s natural to want to jump on the AI bandwagon. You’ve probably heard about AI changing industries, making incredible things possible, and shaping the future. But let’s be honest…when you think about starting your journey into AI, confusion may set in. Well, …
The subtle art of caring but letting go
For me, writing is therapeutic. And writing here, is even more therapeutic. This is because I don’t have the word counter that limits me like Twitter or Instagram. I also don’t have to think about the target audience. Probably because not many people are going to read what I write here. I can express myself …
Installing OpenCV on M1 MacBook
I have explained all the steps in this video tutorial. So while watching it, you can use the needed commands. Open Terminal on mac and run the following commands: Apple command line tools installation: brew installation: Installing Miniforge: Create Python environment in Conda: Install Numpy: Compile OpenCV: Sym-link OpenCV 4 on macOS to virtual environment …
YASP Podcast – Artificial Intelligence
In this episode of YASP podcast we had a friendly conversation about AI and its future in gaming, life, politics, philosophy and so on. You can listen to it here on Anchor or on your desired platform of podcast.
Seriously?! A blog!?
Most of you might consider blogging an out-dated way of content creation. However, I think differently. I have tried various ways of content creation during the past year. I have been vloging, instagraming, tweeting and so on. I even gave a shot to platforms like Medium and Virgool. Each of them have their own policies. …